It's Always Princess Weather

I just went into her room to wake her and the first thing she asked me, yawning was, "Mom, can I have a princess jacket?"

A) It's too hot to be thinking of jackets. B) Good Lord. "Well, babe, it's too hot for jacket. Why are you thinking about it?"

Lu: "Because Alex has one and I she is my best friend and I need to have one too."

Not only are we deep into the Princess Period, she is also obsessed with doing whatever Alex is doing, which deeply troubles me, although Alex is a perfectly lovely little person. Who wears twirly pink princess dresses. Every single day.

"Pie and I don't wear the same thing or do the same thing. I wear what I like and she wears what she likes."

"Well, Alex and I both like princesses and that's why I need to get a princess jacket. Can I?"


Then, an incisive rhetorical move, "Mom, can you look in our closets and see if you have a princess jacket from when you were little that I could wear?"

"That would make it a vintage princess jacket. I don't think we have one here, but I can ask Granny to look in the closet in my old room."

"Yeah, vintage," she said. "Let's go call Granny right now. Or you can send her an email."

Just now, as I was finishing this post, she asked me, "Mom, now are you ordering me a princess jacket on the Internet?"