Strange Customs Involving Teeth

Much to her delight, Lucy lost ANOTHER tooth right next to the other one she lost, which means she now has "a place to rest my thumb when I am sucking it."

Last night on my way home from work, I had to help the Tooth Fairy out and get some special money to leave under Lu's pillow. I went to the 7-11 and asked for either some silver dollars or some $2 bills. The clerk, whom I would guess was a recent immigrant from the Indian sub-continent, wanted to know why I wanted "special money." I found myself explaining the American tradition of the tooth fairy to this guy: an interesting cultural exchange that ended with him saying "Very nice."

When I got home, I read on Wikipedia that in India and some other Asian countries, "when a child loses a tooth the usual custom is that he or she should throw it onto the roof if it came from the lower jaw, or into the space beneath the floor if it came from the upper jaw. While doing this, the child shouts a request for the tooth to be replaced with the tooth of a mouse."

Maybe we will do that for the next tooth.