Where Do I Love Thee?

This morning Jason had to take his car to the shop, leaving me to corral Lu into her clothes and out the door to school. Jason normally handles most of this process (although I do take her to school), and I am really bad at it. Especially this morning.

When hurried, Lu downshifts into slooooow moootioooon. She wouldn't brush her teeth. Her shoes were lost. She let the dogs out the back door and I had to chase them home. I couldn't find my keys. I almost forgot the chili for the chili cook-off. I yelled at Lu and the dogs.

On the way to school, I apologized.
Lu said, "Mom, you were having a hard morning from me and the dogs, right?"
I said, "Yeah, I was, but it's okay."
She said, "I'll try to apologize...I'm sorry. Here, I'll sing you a song:
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you at the bottom of my heart."

I said, "Lu, I love you at the bottom of my heart, too."