Completely in Love with My Daughter

We had the best morning ever. Jason left for Dallas around 6:15, so I got up and got myself ready because I was worried how the morning would go without him. I woke her up about an hour later and she was HAPPY, which never happens. We snuggled up in the bed and watched Sesame Street, which was especially good this morning because it had a bit about Goldilocks. We sang the Three Little Bears Song and talked about porridge, which was the perfect segue to breakfast.

She wanted a peanut butter and honey sandwich, and when I tried to give her just bread, she said, "Mom, that sandwich is EMPTY." We laughed a lot about that. And she wore Duck on her head like a shiek all during breakfast, which was also funny.

On the way to school, we talked about when we'd go back to Laney's and play dress-up (Laney, naturally, has the BEST dress-up box around). When I dropped her off, she put her Care Bear (who is actually a dog) in the Show and Share Box, and we agreed on two hugs, two kisses and two high-fives. As I walked off, she shouted, "Later, Mom." Then she went inside carrying her bag and her lunchbox. And I have been thinking about her ever since.